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Computing & Storage



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More Than Supercomputers

Illinois Computes currently has a number of CPU and GPU compute options, supporting both batch and interactive use. There is also a virtual machine (VM) option and a Jupyter Notebooks service. These compute resources are integrated with two storage options that Illinois Computes provides access to. One storage solution is for actively used data and the other is for longer-term retention of data.

Illinois Computes is continuously working to determine what other types of resources are needed to support the entire research community. Let us know what you need if you don’t see it listed.

Submit a request and select “Computing” or “Storage” from the list of options. 

Want to learn more about what’s available first? Scroll down for more information or click the button for an overview. 

Supporting a Broad Range of Research Needs

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Including But Not Limited To:

AI & Machine Learning

Modeling & Simulations

Data Science

Secure Computing

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Not familiar with the terminology?

If you know what your research goals are but aren’t certain what resources you need to achieve them, we have staff available to help you. You don’t need to be an expert in computing technology to make a request or to get access!

Schedule a meeting with our support staff, who are ready to match your needs with available resources.

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CPU-Based Computation Resources

Illinois Campus Cluster

Traditional batch-system HPC resource

Illinois HTC System

High-Throughput Computing service


Batch system, focused on national security & preparedness research


Batch and interactive usage, supporting research with sensitive and regulated data

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GPU-Based Computation Resources


A dedicated Illinois Computes addition to NCSA's new DeltaAI cluster, purpose-built to support AI and machine learning research

CPU-Focused Systems with limited GPU nodes available: 

Illinois Campus Cluster

Traditional batch-system HPC resource


Batch system, focused on national security & preparedness research


Batch and interactive usage, supporting research with sensitive and regulated data

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Additional Computation Resources

Illinois Computes Research Notebooks (ICRN)

Provides Jupyter Notebooks, a web-based interactive computing platform


A local cloud-like environment that provides VMs to researchers


NSF-funded program offering cost-free access to national cyberinfrastructure resources

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Legacy Computation Resources


Legacy system with POWER9 CPUs and nVidia V100 GPUs. Primarily maintained for existing users.

Storage Resources

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Illinois Computes provides access to two closely integrated storage systems created and managed by NCSA.


A tape archive for long-term dataset storage (capacity: 40+PB)


A global file system integrated with non-HIPAA environments (capacity: 19PB)

Illinois Computes also provides access to storage resources connected to some of its computation resources. 

Illinois Campus Cluster

Local filesystem intended for use only with Illinois Campus Cluster


Local file system intended for use only with Hydro


Local file system intended for use only with Nightingale


Flash storage for low-latency / random-access workloads. Bulk for streaming IO workloads

Database Resources


Database storage and administration on a per-project basis

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Use the following links to access detailed information and documentation about these different resources.